Hair: TRUTH - Lullaby
ღ. 4 different hairstyle options
ღ. VIP group
Head: LeLUTKA - Kaya Head 3.1
Skin: [theSkinnery] - Cassie (LeLutkaEvoX) toffee
Outfit: Havoc - Nayara Set [Fatpack]
ღ. Compatible with maitreya, hourglass, legacy, reborn, and kupra
ღ. Available @Cakeday Event
Pose: Focus - Fabulous Las Vegas
ღ. Camera and cell phone included (not shown here)
ღ. Manu adjustable & auto rezz props
ღ. 9 Bento poses
ღ. Modify/Copy
Backdrop: Focus - Las Vegas Neon Sign
ღ. Poses sold separately
ღ. Mesh backdrop
Picture taken @Sunny's Photo Studio
Body : Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara v5.3